Tuesday, August 10, 2010

one of those days.

I never imagined my world falling apart in just a blink of an eye. Well maybe not completely apart but it's pretty close. I always imagined myself having an easy life with everything taken care of and all I have to worry about is graduating from school, but I guess life comes unexpected. Just when you think things are working out right, the next problem shows up and your life comes tumbling down. You try to cheer yourself up by saying that you are strong and will be able to push through, but the reality is that sometimes we just need to stop thinking about everything and let it all go, take a deep breath, maybe even cry or scream. After all that, it made me realize that the most important thing to do at a time like this is to PRAY and seek GOD. I found a quote saying, "Bad days are just the days when God reminds you to seek Him for you might have been too far from Him. Pray!" That quote itself spoke to me about how any problem that I face is never too big for GOD and that when I trust in Him and pray to Him asking for help, the doors will be opened. So just remember that when you're having one of those days, seek God.